You are a smart consumer and you would never make a big purchase without a guarantee that it’s going to be covered in case something happens to the product. This type of guarantee is designed to give the consumer peace of mind that their investment isn’t going to burden them with unnecessary repair bills if it doesn’t live up to quality standards.
Your new roof is covered in much the same way. A new roof will include a warranty that protects the consumer from unanticipated issues, guaranteeing the problem will be fixed at no cost. So, what does your roof warranty cover? What are some of the terms behind the warranty that you may need to know? Below we will go over some of the common factors in a roof warranty and explain what they cover in greater detail.
What is a manufacturer’s warranty?
A manufacturer’s warranty is a guarantee of the materials being used, saying that the manufacturer will cover any defects or issues that have to do with the product or material. For example, if a tile on your roof cracks and creates a leak in the roof after a specific amount of time after installation, then there was probably a defect in the tile. At this time, the manufacturer pays for the cost of having the damage fixed and the tile replaced under the new roof warranty. Most roof warranties last approx. 10 years, with others going longer depending on the roofing material used.
At Premo Roofing, we are proud to be a preferred contractor for many different roofing materials and partner with a variety of roofing manufacturers. We encourage you to talk with us about your roofing material to see if your new roof comes with an extended warranty.
What isn’t covered by your roof warranty?
Remember, the roof warranty is not an insurance policy. Most roof warranties protect the consumer from damage as a result of material defects or improper installation. It doesn’t protect from damage due to fire, falling trees, or other acts of nature. Roof warranties also don’t cover damage from mounting solar or satellite dishes. Just make sure you have a reputable installer or one that offer their own guarantees.
Do you need a new roof? Call Premo Roofing and learn about your options and the warranties for your new roof.