First of all… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Premo Roofing Company in Salinas.
What do the Holidays have to do with your roof? – A couple of things…
First… Didn’t you know that Santa and his reindeer-powered-sleigh land on your rooftop every year? This can cause minor damage to any roof, whether Concrete Tile, Slate, Shingle or even Metal! This is a perfect time of year to inspect, while things are dry and cool – the perfect time of year to look things over! We can even clean up after those pesky reindeer!
But seriously… like most people, are you hanging lights from the edges of your roof? Are you hanging lights from your gutters? Are you putting decorations on the rooftop? Maybe, just maybe, you are going as far as pulling a Clark Griswold in the movie “Christmas Vacation” and deciding to install lights all over the roof surface!
We totally get it. People want the prettiest house on the block during the holidays and decorations are a great way to show off for neighbors and friends. But while it might be nice to hear neighbors ooh and ahh over your amazing holiday display, that pride tends to decline when you have to replace your roof in front of those very same neighbors.
If you are doing any of the above, make sure you have us come out and look things over after the holiday season ends! We need to insure that no damage was done. We’ll even do it free of charge if you ask nicely! Consider this our Christmas Present to you – a complimentary roof evaluation! It is the least we can do for anyone who takes the time to read our blog.
Remember, Premo Roofing Company is your local roofing contractor in Monterey and Santa Cruz County. We can provide you with affordable roofing services with time-tested, proven performance. If you need a new roof, roof repair, maintenance or any other kind of roofing service, please contact us or call today at 831-241-4811 or fill out our online estimate form and schedule your free, no-obligation estimate.