Many times, there are gray areas where you can’t be sure whether you should repair or replace your roof. You should consult one of the trusted local roofing companies in Monterey County like Premo Roofing Company for a professional and informed decision. We will provide an assessment of the situation and recommend the proper … Continued

Our Premo Roofing team has partnered with ABC Roofing Supply, Matt Gourley Construction and AR Gutters and will be accepting nominations for a free roof on the Premo website at  Do you know a friend, neighbor or family member in desperate need of a new roof? The process to enter is simple Nominations are … Continued

Rain is usually a blissful event on the Central Coast, an area that is familiar with burn bans and droughts. While most of the state has received some welcomed rain over the past month, a leaky roof can certainly cause some major issues. Rainy weather is when you usually find a leak. Unfortunately, that’s when … Continued

Premo Roofing